Current date/time is Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:17 pm

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

These Rules apply to: • any message you post publicly on the forum • any Personal Message (PM) you send to another member • any Email you send to another member via this forum’s software • your membership of this forum and your entitlement to access all or any part thereof Preliminary matters This is a private forum. If you wish to participate, you are required to abide by these Rules. Your liability regarding content You are solely responsible for the content of your messages. By becoming a member of this forum you agree to indemnify and hold all other members of the forum and the forum administrators harmless with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s). We recommend that you do not post personal real life information such as age, home addresses and home phone numbers. Moderators and Administrators The moderators are Julie Mills and Thylacine. The administrator is Druids Down Under. Section 1: Summary of the Rules The Rules are summarized here in Section 1. Additional details relating to each Rule are provided in Section 4. Respect for others • Defamatory content must not be posted • Offensive content must not be posted (we expand on what is offensive in Section 4) • Flaming of other members is not permitted • Privacy of other members must be respected • You must not post any content that breaches copyright • You must not make posts that involve bandwidth theft (we explain what bandwidth theft is in Section 4) • You must not make posts that knowingly involve, promote or encourage trade in illegal/noxious items Respect for the forum itself, as a resource • Posts should be made in the forum to which they properly relate • Cross-posting is not allowed (we explain cross-posting in Section 4) Respect for the moderators, who do not have time to micro-manage the forum • Only one account per member is allowed • Trolling and SPAM are not allowed • Public posts questioning or criticising decisions of the moderators are rude. Private enquiries regarding such matters, however, are welcome. Section 2 : Consequences of breach of the Rules: If material is posted in breach of the Rules set out above, any one or more of the following may result: • The post may be edited or deleted without reference to you • The entire thread may be deleted without reference to you • The author of the post may be sent a warning PM or Email, or banned (at the discretion of the administrator). Section 3: Copyright of content posted here This forum is designed to be a free resource available to all those interested in Druidry as a spiritual path. All content posted here is therefore granted to Druids Down Under with perpetual electronic publishing rights. Should you choose to no longer participate in the forum, because content posted by you forms part of the resource the forum is designed to be, we will not delete it upon your departure. You may ask us to remove an item at any time, but we will decide when and if to remove it. If you wish to no longer be identified with our community, we will at your request (or otherwise, should we deem it appropriate to do so) close your account and alter your account information to remove all identifying characteristics, including your profile, signature and username. Section 4 – Details of the Rules Defamatory content Material which is false or defamatory must not be posted. This includes information naming individuals, corporations and businesses which is critical of that individual, corporation or business. An example would be a post titled "I HATE PetPotatoes stores, they are cruel and disgusting". Defamatory posts expose all members to legal liability and will be removed at the complete discretion of the moderators. Offensive content **Freedom of speech rights do not extend to privately owned websites, such as this one**. This forum is read by a variety of age groups. Any profanity, racism, sexism, homophobia or other overly insulting messages breach this Rule and will be removed. Abbreviations, self censoring and attempts to circumvent the word censoring feature of the forum software also violate this Rule. Flaming of other members From time to time, discussions may grow heated. This is to be expected, and reasoned, passionate debates are fine. However, you are required to respect your fellow members and you must not engage in personal insults and attacks. This Rule requires you to refrain from inflammatory/provocative comments, flaming, taunting and general disrespect. If something is written on this forum which you find offensive, before launching into a public condemnation, please consider that the person may not have intended to cause offence. It is very easy to misinterpret a post on forums. There is absolutely no need to resort to insults. Please feel free to bring the content you have issues with to the attention of the moderators via PM and we will do our best to remove offensive content, if necessary, as promptly as possible. Privacy of other members Respect other members’ right to privacy by not giving out information in your posts that may identify them. Posting a person’s name, address, email address or other private details on this forum is regarded as a serious breach of this rule. Such posts shall be deleted, and the ability of the poster to continue to access the forum will be reviewed. Please do not forward someone else’s emails/PM’s, or paste their content into a post made publicly on this forum.. Not only can it be a breach of trust, but the original writer usually didn't intend it to be read by anyone else except the recipient. Hence their language & expression may not be necessarily 'tuned' to public reading. Copyright Do not post copyrighted materials (articles, videos, audio, etc.) that you do not have permission to reproduce. Posting entire text articles, even with an acknowledgement of the source, constitutes copyright infringement. You may quote parts of the article and link to or provide the source. Ideally, just link to the source. Bandwidth theft Bandwidth theft is posting images with [IMG] tags from servers that you do not have permission to link to. This practice costs the server owner money and resources and is therefore not permitted here. If you wish to post an image using [IMG] tags, please link to photographs on a photo hosting site of your own, e.g. photobucket or flickr. Please be aware that if you link to photographs on another forum, facebook etc, subject to privacy settings, not all members may be able to view those photos. Post in the applicable forum This really helps people who have an interest in a particular subject to easily find posts. If in doubt as to correct forum for your thread, then you may wish to say so in the post or ask the moderators, and we can move it if appropriate. Please do not start the same topic in more than one forum. The moderators will delete duplicate topics. Links to other forums Posting links to other forums is permitted, however, we ask that you please conduct discussions here, rather than linking to another forum where discussion is being conducted, where possible. Single account Please do not create multiple personalities. If you create posts and send private messages from more than one username, all usernames may be deleted. If you simply want a new username, please contact a moderator and, most likely, one of us can do it for you while you can keep all of your profile data, posts and other content. Commercial posts We encourage advertising from our members, and do not charge for advertising. At the same time, the forum should not be exploited by purely commercial entities which otherwise contribute nothing to the community. Members may not post links that leads to the member earning cash, banner impressions, click-thrus, etc. Trolling and SPAM Spamming is where you post to the forum solely to advertise another website or products. Posts that constitute spam shall be removed. Trolling is posting a comment which is intended to stir people up. We will delete posts that, in our opinion, have no beneficial purpose to the community and constitute mere trolling. Posts regarding trade in illegal/noxious items It is a condition of your use of the forum that you acknowledge and agree that it will not be used for the sale/exchange/trade or attempted (illegal) importation of any illegal items. Posts that breach this rule will be deleted at the moderators' discretion. It is also a term and condition of your right to use this forum that you agree to indemnify the administrator, moderators and all other forum members should legal action be taken against any or all of us as a consequence of content you posted concerning such matters. Decisions of the moderators If you have an issue relating to the moderation or administration of the forum, please let us know directly rather than publicly on the forum. We realise we are not perfect, and if you feel that we have made a mistake, let us know and we will be happy to review the situation. Section 5: Disclaimer The administrator and moderators are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness, legality or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. All messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this forum or its members or any entity associated with it. Any user who feels that information posted via this forum is objectionable is encouraged to report it via PM to one of the moderators. We will make every effort to remove objectionable public messages within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, and we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. The moderators reserve the right to delete any message for any reason whatsoever, and are not obliged to provide a reason for doing so. The administrator reserves the right to disclose your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action (or any threat thereof) arising from any conduct by you regarding this forum, or any threat of legal action or otherwise against the administrator, or where this is necessary to ensure the safety of another member or members. The administrator has the final say on anything arising on the forum.